How does the Networking Lounge work?

Where am I? What do I do?

Trey Smith

Last Update 3 years ago

While it may seem a little confusing at first, once you get the hang of you'll see how easy it is to make new connections.

Move your avatar around the networking space to meet people. Simply point to a place on the page, hold your mouse button down and then watch your avatar move to that location. Let go of your mouse button to stop moving.

You'll see some boxes with topics listed at the top. These are intended to be conversation starters. For example, if you're one of the many parents in the audience struggling to cope with maintaining some resemblance of a work / life balance during the pandemic, Parent Sanity would be a great place to commiserate. 

If none of the topics we've offered are of interest, start your own circle by connect with a group of participants anywhere on the page.

To join a conversation, move closer. To leave it, move away. It’s that simple.

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